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Paris Treats To Pair With Your Hot Chocolate This Holiday Season

December 02, 2021
Everyone knows that in Paris, drinking coffee is practically a way of life. Why do you think there are loads of café in the city? Parisians drink coffee morning, noon, and night. However, during the holidays, there's another beverage that many, even the most avid coffee-drinker, would prefer: hot chocolate. Yes, coffee is as hot a drink as hot chocolate, but there's just something about the latter that gives a nostalgic taste to people's lips during the holiday season. Most especially if paired with these delectable Paris-favorite pastries. They're easy to bake at home too, so you don't have to go out to get them!
Paris Treats To Pair With Your Hot Chocolate This Holiday Season


Macarons are the type of sweets that go well with practically everything. A cup of coffee? Divine! Some milk? So sweet! Hot chocolate? Perfect! The key is that this delectable treat isn't as sweet as the other pastries. They're rich and flavorful, yes, but not so saccharine that pairing them with hot chocolate will make you diabetic. In fact, it's the clash of the richness of a macaron with that of hot chocolate that will really put your taste buds on a tailspin. It's no wonder there are a lot of places in Paris where you can get the best of them!
Paris Treats To Pair With Your Hot Chocolate This Holiday Season


Madeleines are already standard French Christmas treats, what stopping you from enjoying them with a nice cup of hot chocolate? They're soft, delicate, and light, the perfect contrast to a rich beverage made up of melted hot chocolate. Every sip that comes after every bite out of this amazing cookie is like a warm hug that's so tender and sweet, you simply can't get enough! Such a combo is perfect for a cold wintry afternoon, warming you up even more even though you're probably already wearing plenty of layers as it is. This is just the sweetest part of it!
Paris Treats To Pair With Your Hot Chocolate This Holiday Season

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What's another delicate French pastry that's perfect with hot chocolate? A Financier! No, you don't have to eat your accountant! A Financier is actually a centuries-old cake that has a slightly crunchier exterior with a fluffy inside. It was named as such because it rose to fame in the 19th-century in Paris' financial district at the time. Actual financiers, many of whom worked at the Paris Stock Exchange at the time, loved eating it because it was easy to carry, doesn't make their hands dirty, and they can store it for a long period of time and it'll still taste good.
Paris Treats To Pair With Your Hot Chocolate This Holiday Season

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It's the holiday season! Why not go all out with your treats? And by all out, this means paring chocolate with chocolate! Sounds mouth-watering, doesn't it? Well, this is what you'd get if you paired an éclair with hot chocolate. That clash of chocolatey goodness will tantalize your mouth in more ways than one. Not to mention the light cream filling that will sweeten it all up and probably put in a sugar coma for a couple of minutes. A dainty and delectable dessert, the éclair is a stylish treat that's perfect to enjoy this holiday season!
Paris Treats To Pair With Your Hot Chocolate This Holiday Season


Similar to the croissant, the crepe, and more, the brioche is probably one of the most quintessentially French pastries on this list. It's practically just bread, some might say the sweeter, softer, and daintier version of the baguette. Though the former has a more tender texture and definitely a softer taste. Pile on some butter, jam, or cream on a slice and you've got yourself great comfort food to warm you up for the colder days ahead. With a nice and rich cup of hot chocolate, of course! The blend of opposing tastes and textures will be quite the sensation in your mouth!
Paris Treats To Pair With Your Hot Chocolate This Holiday Season

Get The Recipe By Clicking Here!

For the holiday season, many Parisians trade in their cups of coffee with the sweeter, and arguably richer, hot chocolate. And while the drink pairs well with practically everything, a handful of Paris' favorite pastries make the taste even more fulfilling!

It's better to enjoy your hot chocolate with these tasty treats in the shelter of your own luxury home in Paris. Now that'll be quite the Christmas indeed!




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