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Kefalonia’s Most Instagram-Worthy Spots

September 30, 2021
To say that the Greek island of Kefalonia is beautiful is a complete understatement. 'Pretty' doesn't even begin to describe just how stunning this destination is. If you're looking for a place that, apart from giving you unique and memorable experiences, will help boost your Instagram timeline, you've come to the right place! In a way, Kefalonia is a collection of Instagram-worthy spots, ranging from its colorful villages to the magnificent coasts that highlight its true paradisical nature. If you want to garner a lot of likes and even gain more followers on Instagram, post about these notable places on the island.

Kefalonia’s Most Instagram-Worthy Spots


Whether you're in Assos yourself or you're looking at it from distance, practically everything about this town in Kefalonia screams Instagram-worthy. Take now of the pastel-toned houses that either looks like a bunch of Legos or different variations of Barbie's dreamhouse. Then there's the high-cliffed isthmus surrounded by the deep blue waters of the Ionian Sea. They'd make for great landscape shots that will likely grab your followers' attention! And don't forget the flower-filled streets of Assos too! They give off that signature rural Greek feel that's as photogenic as ever! There's so much to capture in this town, you'll likely drain your battery before the day is through!
Kefalonia’s Most Instagram-Worthy Spots
Source: Wikimedia Commons

Assos Castle

While you're already in Assos, why not go to the town's famous castle too? Perched atop one of the highest peaks of the island's mountains, the ruins of this former Venetian fortress are a sight to behold. Both in the place itself and when you see the castle from the distance. When you go here, you get to marvel at the remains of the Medieval structure that once stood here in all its military glory. You can almost imagine that there used to be a princess locked away in a tower and dragon that held her captive once here. And if you're looking from the distance, you can see the whole majesty of the place as well as the surrounding natural wonders.
Kefalonia’s Most Instagram-Worthy Spots
Source: Wikimedia Commons/ Homosapiensgrgr


Want to explore and post about another town in Kefalonia? Go to the coastal village of Fiskardo. Located at the northernmost part of the island, it'd take a long time to get here even via public transport. But the sights to see in this place make the trip worth it! First up, there's the stunning coast and harbor, beaming with rustic Mediterranean charm. From the houses by the port to the yachts and sailboats parked by the harbor, there's almost a twinge of nostalgia here even if it's your first time on the island. Then there are the flower-ladened streets and corners, colorful bursts of rural Greece that are a far cry from the whitewashed commonalities of the other Greek islands.
Kefalonia’s Most Instagram-Worthy Spots
Source: Wikimedia Commons/ Paul Lakin

Melissani Cave Lake

When you post about going to Kefalonia, don't just focus on the charming towns and stunning beaches. Share about the lesser-known sights to see on the island as well. A definite must is the Melissani Cave Lake, a stunning cove-like spot that you have to seat least once. You sail through a cave on a tiny little boat and get to the glorious cove at the center. The way the sun hits the waters and the gradient effect of its light makes for a stunning scene you won't find anywhere else. And, of course, any trip to a cave is an adventure on its own!
Kefalonia’s Most Instagram-Worthy Spots
Source: Wikimedia Commons

Drogarati Cave

Another cave worth going to and posting about on Instagram is Drogarati Cave! Located near the coastal town of Sami, it's a far cry from Melissa Cave Lake, that's for sure. And it's not just because there's no lake here to begin with. While the latter emanates a heavenly glow, Drogarati Cave has a hellish look to it that's equal parts sinister, equal parts fascinating. The way the cave is lighted up and the many stalagmites and that make up the area almost makes it seem like you're in a set of a horror movie or something. The cave has the perfect look to model an 'underworld' after!
Kefalonia’s Most Instagram-Worthy Spots
Source: Wikimedia Commons/ Lubomir Mihalik

St.Theodore's Lantern

Now, if Dorogarati Cave frightened you a little too much and you want to go and post about a more heavenly-looking place next, go to St.Theodore's Lantern. Perched atop the jagged rocks by the peninsula near Argostoli, this is a historic lighthouse in Kefalonia. What's so fascinating about it is that it doesn't even look like a typical lighthouse to begin with. The unique short structure, which looks more like a round Greek temple complete with Doric columns, almost has a religious air to it. There's a solemn vibe about the place that'll draw you in, letting you capture every bit of it for your Instagram!
Kefalonia’s Most Instagram-Worthy Spots
Source: Wikimedia Commons

Myrtos Beach

Of course, you can't forget about Kefalonia's stunning coasts! They'll likely garner the most likes out of all your posts about the island! Your followers will want to see you live your best life, visiting some of the most beautiful beaches the world has ever known. And speaking of beautiful beach, arguably none can match Myrtos Beach in Kefalonia. A shoreline that looks more like a painting than an actual beach, this place will definitely help you gain more followers and might even get you viral! Whether you're on the beach or looking at it from the distance, Myrtos Beach is the most Instagrammable coast in Kefalonia!
Kefalonia’s Most Instagram-Worthy Spots
Source: Wikimedia Commons

The Greek island of Kefalonia may not be all that popular, but it's the type of place where you can take as many photos as you can to post on Instagram. The island itself is practically a collection of Instagram-worthy spots!

Don't forget to post about your luxury home in Kefalonia too! Surely your followers would be interested in how luxurious your stay on the island was, right?
