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The Best Ways to Find Roommates in Paris

February 24, 2024
If you're moving to Paris on your own, expect that you'll need a roommate. Possibly even more than one if you could help it! Don't underestimate just how expensive the French capital can get. If you're not earning a whole lot but you still want to have fun, eat out, and live the dreamy Parisian lifestyle, having a roommate will help you save up more. But how do you go about finding one? Well, a good place to start is at online Paris roommate groups. Making friends before you get to the city will help too.

The Best Ways to Find Roommates in Paris

Get Out There and Meet People

The best kind of roommate is one that you personally know even before you move into the apartment. This especially rings true in places like Paris, a city with a population of over 2.1 million residents. That's why it's always better to get out there and meet people when looking for a roommate. Parisians are fairly social people. You'll find them hanging out in cafes, having a good time in bars, or even visiting museums. It's not that difficult to meet and get acquainted with someone who will need a new place to stay in the city.

Ask Around

If you don't know anyone who can be your roommate, there's still a good chance that the people around you might know someone. Be it your officemate at work or your next-door neighbor, you'd be surprised at how common it is to know someone who also knows someone in need of a place to stay in Paris. At the very least, this is still more of a personal connection compared to looking for strangers online. You still can't be sure of what kind of person your future roommate might be, but at least there's someone who can vouch for them.

The Best Ways to Find Roommates in Paris

Check with a Real Estate Agency

One of the easiest ways to rent a luxury apartment in Paris is to enlist the help of a real estate agency. It's their job to find you a new home in the city, after all. Oftentimes, you can also ask for their help when looking for roommates in Paris. Making such a request isn't asking for too much from them. In fact, it's even possible that they have another client who's also in need of a roommate in Paris. Even better if they're interested in the same place you are.

Go on Roommate Websites

Perhaps the most common way to find roommates in Paris these days is to go online. Specifically, on roommate websites. Yes, such platforms exist. Popular websites like Colocatère, Colocation.fr, and Appartager are perfect for finding someone who can live with you in a shared apartment in Paris. They list both locals and foreigners alike, allowing you to have more options for your potential roommate. Don't worry! These websites are legitimate and they only list people that they are sure will be good people. You're guaranteed to be safe with whoever you pick from these roommate websites.

The Best Ways to Find Roommates in Paris

Browse Social Media

Specifically, Facebook! Facebook has groups for people moving to Paris and looking for a roommate. Join many of the Facebook groups specifically about living in Paris and you're sure to find and meet people that can help you out. The people you'll find there are either your potential roommates or possibly know someone else who can be. And since you're already on Facebook, you can look over their profiles to get a better grasp of what kind of people they are. Still, this doesn't guarantee that they'll be the right roommate for you, but it's still a good place to start.

Enroll in a Language School

Not a lot of people realize that language schools in Paris are another great place to find roommates in the city. More often than not, the students in these schools are expats looking to settle down in the city. It's highly possible that they need a roommate or are looking for accommodations and won't mind sharing the place with someone else. Don't they sound like the perfect roommates in Paris? At the same, since they're likely just new to the city—or new residents—they're more open to living with all sorts of people.

The Best Ways to Find Roommates in Paris

Join Social Groups

French social customs dictate that you ought to be more open to meeting new people. The French are among the more personable nations in Europe and it's most evident in Paris. Here, many people join social groups to make new friends, network, enjoy shared interests, and more. You'd do well to join a social group too, especially if you're looking for a roommate in Paris. It's the same as getting out there and meeting new people, but what makes this better is that these people possibly share your interests, stay in the same area, and more.

Read The Newspaper for Ads

Finally, when all else fails, you can already read the newspaper. The ads here aren't just for jobs and such. There are also sections where available real estate is advertised. This is a great way to find a new place to stay and a new roommate all in one. What's good about this option is that it's possible that the ads in newspapers might not appear on websites, social media, and more. This gives you a better chance of snatching the place/roommate up for yourself. But this still doesn't guarantee that you'll get a good roommate too, so always be careful!

The Best Ways to Find Roommates in Paris

Moving to Paris can get so expensive that it's often better to have someone to share your home expenses with. This is why it's better to have roommates in Paris if you're living on your own. Find the best ones for you in the city!

#roommates   #relocation-guide   #advice   #tips   



Paris, France
386 € / night    
1 bedroom1 bathroom3
Paris, France
520 € / night    
2 bedrooms1 bathroom4-2
Paris, France
257 € / night    
1 bedroom1 bathroom4
Paris, France
331 € / night    
2 bedrooms2 bathrooms4

Paris, France
571 € / night    
3 bedrooms2 bathrooms7
Paris, France

1 bedroom1 bathroom2
Paris, France
262 € / night    
1 bedroom1 bathroom3-2
Paris, France
457 € / night    
4 bedrooms2 bathrooms7-6
Paris, France
465 € / night    
2 bedrooms2 bathrooms4
Paris, France

3 bedrooms2 bathrooms6