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ALX School Guide: Sevenoaks School

August 27, 2024
Imagine an elite boarding school in the UK. It's in a nice town, boasts a beautiful campus, and provides high-quality education. Sounds like the kind of school where the rich and famous send their kids to study, right? Well, that's exactly what Sevenoaks School is all about. One of the finest grammar schools in the country, it's a safe space where the youth can learn, grow, and develop in time. It's also in the beautiful Kent, one of the finest counties in Great Britain. This makes Sevenoaks School an educational escape worth checking out.

ALX School Guide: Sevenoaks School
Source: Sevenoaks School Facebook Page

History of Sevenoaks School

In its earliest beginnings, Sevenoaks School serves as one of the very few non-religious schools in the UK. Sir William Sevenoke posthumously founded the school in 1432 through his last will and testament. In the document, the former Mayor of London shared his intention of opening a school for the boys in town, specifically one that's free from the church's constrictions. A century later, in 1560, Queen Elizabeth I issued a letters patent incorporating the institution, thereby allowing the school to use her name. It was in this moment that the Sevenoaks School cemented its place as one of the top schools in the country.

What is Sevenoaks School's Campus Like?

Today, the Sevenoaks School campus still stands in the town of Sevenoaks, located in the Southeastern English country of Kent. Since it's right by the English countryside, it serves as a boarding school for its students, offering proper accommodations and tight security for their comfort and safety. The town of Sevenoaks may be more of a resort town, but the school itself is pretty complete as far as educational institutions go. It has all the proper facilities, from spacious classrooms and cafeterias to even lots of lush lawns for outdoor athletics.

ALX School Guide: Sevenoaks School
Source: Sevenoaks School Facebook Page

The Sevenoaks School Student Body

While boarding schools tend to be pretty exclusive, Sevenoaks School is a lot more welcoming than most. For one thing, it has about 1,200 students per year, including both boys and girls since it's a co-ed school. Naturally, this student body consists of both new enrollees and returning students who have yet to graduate. As for how they're divided, Sevenoaks School has 8 houses—Aisher, International Centre, Girls' International House, New House, Park Grange, Sennocke House, Johnsons, and School House. This makes it easier for the school to take good care of each student, as well as let them form their own groups.

What is Sevenoaks School's Curriculum?

Sevenoaks School's curriculum is built around the the International Baccalaureate, the diploma programme that prepares students for higher education. Ultimately, this makes the school one of the best for any student who has their eyes set on attending the top universities in London or even the Ivy League Schools in the US. But don't think that academics is what Sevenoaks School only focuses on. This academic institution takes pride in its well-maintained balance between academics and extracurricular activities. They're as supportive of the students who participate (and of course, excel) in athletics, the arts, and more.

ALX School Guide: Sevenoaks School
Source: Sevenoaks School Facebook Page

How Much Does It Cost to Study at Sevenoaks School?

Don't forget that Sevenoaks School is no ordinary international school in London or anywhere else in the UK. It's a private boarding school in Kent, which often means that the tuition fees are likely to be sky-high. So is it expensive to let your kid study at Sevenoaks School? The simple answer is yes, it is. The school's tuition fees range from £11,632.00 to £17,850.00 per term, or more specifically, about £34,896.00 to £53,550.00 per year. The more expensive ones are those that boarders have to pay, which will naturally include costs for their accommodations, food, and the like.

Where is Sevenoaks School in The UK?

As mentioned previously, Sevenoaks School is located in the town of Sevenoaks in Kent, a country in Southeast England. Sevenoaks is far from the bustling metropolis of London, both in its distance and atmosphere. It still has a good infrastructure as far as countryside towns go, but it's far less urban than the British capital. Of course, this has its benefits too. For one thing, Sevenoaks is also a lot safer than London and less expensive, especially regarding real estate. If you want to live in town during your child's studies, you can easily rent a luxury home here.

ALX School Guide: Sevenoaks School
Source: Sevenoaks School Facebook Page

Sevenoaks School is a beautiful, English public school in the beloved county of Kent in the UK. It's one of the best places to enroll your kid if you want them to have the best education possible in the country.

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