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Beautiful Paris-Inspired Arts & Crafts Projects To Make At Home

March 25, 2021
Paris is such a beautiful city, it will almost ache you that you're not there right now. You're not standing in front of the Eiffel Tower. You're not walking along the beautiful avenues lined with centuries-old structures. You're not strolling on the cobblestone streets going to a nearby cafe. With its immense popularity, you probably feel as if you've already seen Paris even though you haven't been there yet. However, even if you're at home, that doesn't mean you can't see Paris and its glimmering beauty. These nifty and fun arts & crafts projects can help you continue to dream about the French capital even within the corners of your own home.

Beautiful Paris-Inspired Arts & Crafts Projects To Make At Home


Paint Paris

Even if you haven't been to Paris, chances are you know that the city is filled with street artists painting their views of the city. You've probably seen them in movies or on TV, and while they seem too stereotypical to be accurate, there really are a lot of artists here. Paris, after all, is one of the capitals of the art world. And as the saying goes, "if you can't beat 'em, join 'em!" If you want to get the feel of Paris from your own home, why not simply paint the city? Imagine you're one of those artists over by the River Seine painting the Eiffel Tower. 

Beautiful Paris-Inspired Arts & Crafts Projects To Make At Home


Paint-by-Number Mona Lisa

Don't put down your paintbrush just yet! Beyond just painting the city, you can also have a go at replicating one of Paris' most beloved icons. You probably know who she is, the one and only Mona Lisa! The centerpiece in the French capital's famous Louvre museum, this mysterious portrait of a Renaissance woman draws in millions and millions of crowds each year. But how can you ever attempt to duplicate such a masterpiece? Paint-by-numbers! This nifty arts & crafts set allows you to copy Da Vinci's beloved work by simply following a sequence of numbers. Think of it as a combination of connect-the-dots and a coloring book! 

Beautiful Paris-Inspired Arts & Crafts Projects To Make At Home


Paris Shadow Skyline

Now for something slightly challenging but still fun nonetheless. Bring out some black art paper and white canvas for your base. This time, you're going to make a shadowy Paris skyline! it's no secret that Paris has one of the most famous skylines in the world.  With the Eiffel Tower, the Arc de Triomphe, and more, it's easy to distinguish which is the French capital's skyline. And doing a shadowy version of it in your room can serve as a beautiful reminder that you will one day walk the streets of that beautiful city. 

Beautiful Paris-Inspired Arts & Crafts Projects To Make At Home


Miniature Notre Dame

What's another Paris icon you can have in your home? The Notre Dame! The gothic church has no comparison to anything anywhere else. With its famous structure and huge significance in French literature, the Notre Dame is perhaps France's most famous religious site. Even if it's no longer what it was from centuries ago because of the tragic fire! However, you can resurrect that same structure with a miniature version at home! You can buy a model kit from any hobby store or toy shop and build away. Or, if you're feeling craftier, you can make the church out of other materials, such s cardboard and popsicle sticks! 

Beautiful Paris-Inspired Arts & Crafts Projects To Make At Home


Make Your Own Chanel Jacket

More than just home decorations, your Paris-inspired arts & crafts projects can also be part of your wardrobe. And when it comes to Paris fashion, none is more iconic than the Chanel jacket. This particular garment continues to be a symbol of a true Parisienne style and has influenced the way people dress every day. To pass the time thinking about Paris, try and make one for yourself. At least, one that looks like the real thing. Get a cardigan or any old day jacket as your base. Then, cut up strips of fabric of a different color and stitch them onto the fabric as piping. And voila! you have your own homemade Chanel jacket! 

Beautiful Paris-Inspired Arts & Crafts Projects To Make At Home


Makeshift Beret

Got some extra black felt fabric or some wool lying around? You can use them for another arts & crafts project that will make you want to go to Paris even more! With your black material, cut up a big oval that's big enough for your head. Then cut up a similar oval but leave a big hole in the middle this time. Using a sewing machine or your own thread and needle, sew the outer lines of both ovals together. For the inner hole, sew in a thin elastic band that's just the right size for the hole. Now, put it inside out, and voila! You have a French beret! 

Beautiful Paris-Inspired Arts & Crafts Projects To Make At Home


French Cafe Pottery Set

If you're into coffee and pottery, you're going to love this next project. It's no secret that part of Paris' best charms are its cafes. Most of their coffee shops have been for decades yet they continue to draw in many people from all around the world. And what do they have in such establishments? Kitchy coffee mugs and teacups. You can make them on your own if you have a pottery wheel and some clay in your house. Make them into whatever shape you want and paint into whatever color you want. The quirkier the better. Once they're done, fill them up with coffee, add in a croissant, and dine like a Parisian

Beautiful Paris-Inspired Arts & Crafts Projects To Make At Home


When you're stuck at home daydreaming about going to Paris, put all that energy into making any or all of these beautiful arts & crafts projects. Inspired by the French capital, you'll feel as if you've traveled there already when you're done! 




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