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What's it Like to Date in Rome?

February 23, 2025
Romance is in the DNA of Rome. The city's name is practically in the word and everyone knows that the Italian capital is one of the most romantic cities in the world. You couldn't have found a better place to fall in love and indulge in heated passion. That is if you can find the right person for you! Regardless of what you might have seen in movies or TV, dating in Rome is a bit more complex. Romans tend to take it slow, they love hanging out in piazzas, and introducing you to the family is more important than you might think.

What's it Like to Date in Rome?

Traditional Roles Still Reign Supreme

First things first, you need to know that traditional gender roles are still very much the norm in Italy. Unlike its arguably more liberal and progressive neighbors, France & Spain, Italians remain largely conservative. Here, men are still the ultra-masculine providers of the home and are seen as natural leaders. Meanwhile, the general view of women is that they're still the light of the home, conspicuously feminine, and reliant on their male partners. Does this mean all Italians think this way? No, of course not. But it's still worth noting and remembering when you try your hand at dating in Rome.

Italian Men vs. Italian Women

Despite how conservative Italy remains, specifically with societal gender norms, Italian women have become and are still growing increasingly more modern and liberal. So much so that there's a stark contrast between Italian men and women today. As you'd expect, Italian men have stayed largely traditional, insisting on paying for the check on dates, protective of their female partners, and never failing to present themselves as the quintessential images of stereotypical masculinity. Italian women, on the other hand, are now more independent, almost equally aggressive as their male counterparts, and aren't as keen on traditional courtship rituals as they were in the past.

What's it Like to Date in Rome?

Expect Things to Get Physical

Now, when it comes to the act of dating, or more specifically, courtship, it's important to remember that Italians are very physical. They are very physical when they express themselves and can quickly get physical with those they're romantically interested in. This doesn't necessarily mean that they routinely assault others! Italians will still respect your boundaries, especially if you directly tell them if and when you're uncomfortable. The point here is that Italians also tend to get more physical than, say, the Americans, the Spaniards, or even the French. Even with your consent, you might still get surprised at how very willing they are for physical contact when you're still in the getting-to-know stage.

Flirt! Flirt! Flirt!

Want to reel in the fish you want? Then flirt! When you spend a day in Rome with someone you're interested in, you have to do a little flirting to let them know. This isn't to say that Italians are dense and won't notice if you glance at them a certain way. Rest assured that the right “look” is often enough to give them the green light for courtship. But to keep them interested until you get into an official relationship, you'll need to flirt. Always let them know that you're also interested and tell them what you like most about them.

What's it Like to Date in Rome?

Drowning in Compliments

Unfortunately, some stereotypes about Italians are true. One worth remembering when you're dating in Rome is how outlandish they tend to get when complimenting you. If you're a foreign woman who just moved to Rome, for instance, Italian men will have no qualms proclaiming that you're the most beautiful women they've ever met. And yes, they'll have the audacity to say that while they're also dating other women on the side. So when you do try your hand on dating in Rome, it will help to be a little cynical about their compliments.

Be Direct!

When all else fails, you need to be direct! Be direct in expressing your interest in someone that you want to date. Be direct in your romantic interest in them so that there's no confusion on their part. And at the same time, you should also be direct about whether you want to be in a relationship with them or you simply want their physical companionship for a bit of intimacy. Italians won't just appreciate such bluntness, but more often than not, they'll match your vibe too. Isn't that what it's all about?

What's it Like to Date in Rome?

Keep it Slow and Steady

The moment you've locked a person in and you're officially dating, it's important to keep it slow and steady. For one thing, many of them would still be seeing other people at the same time. It's not that they're cheaters or anything like that, but unless you're direct with your intention to be monogamous with them, they won't just be exclusive to you. At the same time, despite how family-centric Italians are, for example, they won't introduce you to theirs until they're very serious with you. More often than not, introducing you to their family means they're also considering marrying you.

Always Dress Up Nicely

Whether you trying to attract a local or you're already committed with someone, it always pays to dress up nicely. Rome, in particular, is known as a fashionable city, the glamorous Italian capital. While they're not exactly as judgmental as fashion magazine editors, for instance, they still consider outward appearance as important as anything else. So when you have a date, for example, spruce yourself up! You don't have to wear designer clothes or contort your body or anything like that. Just look put together, perhaps do your hair a bit, and you're good to go!

What's it Like to Date in Rome?

From traditional gender roles to all that excessive flirting, there's a lot you need to know about dating in Rome. The way people court, hang out, and even make love here is fairly different compared to other cities in the world.

#dating   #tips   #advice   



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