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10 Essential Italian Phrases You Need to Know

March 02, 2025
Can you explore Italy without speaking Italian? Technically, yes, you can, but it will be hard. Even with the argument that many Italians speak different languages or that they understand basic English, knowing Italian will still be the better option. You don't even have to be fluent in it at first. Whether you're a tourist traveling to Italy or you've relocated to Rome, Milan, and the like, you need to know at least 10 essential Italian phrases by heart. Some of them include “Mi aiuti, per favore?” (Can you help me, please?), “Scusi, come arrivo a…?” (Excuse me, how do I get to…?), and “Quanto costa?” (How much does it cost?), to name a few.

10 Essential Italian Phrases You Need to Know

Italian Greetings & Pleasantries

Even before you consider traveling to Italy, you should've already learned how to greet someone in Italian. It's practically impossible not to know them too, as they're just as widely known as the basic greets in French and Spanish. Surely you've heard people greet “Ciao!, right? Even if you've only heard it from watching movies or TV. It means “hello!” (sometimes “goodbye!” too) in Italian, and here are other greetings & pleasantries you should simply know before you go to Italy.

Buongiorno - Good morning
Buona sera - Good afternoon
Buona notte - Good evening
Arrivederci - Goodbye
Per favore - Please
Grazie - Thank you
Mi scusi - Excuse me
Mi dispiace - I'm sorry

Mi aiuti, per favore? (Can you help me, please?)

Whether you're in a big city like Rome or you're in a small town somewhere in Tuscany, this is a phrase you'll need to use again and again. Contrary to what stereotypes shown in media may tell you, Italians are very open and welcoming. If you approach them gently and sincerely ask for their help, they won't think twice about assisting. Even more so when they see that you don't speak and understand Italian all that well.

10 Essential Italian Phrases You Need to Know

Parli inglese? (Do you speak English?)

This is perhaps the first thing you'll ask any local you encounter when you go to Italy. Even if practically 95% of them will say they don't, there's still a chance that you'll meet an Italian who can actually speak and understand English. Or even a fellow foreigner who has moved to Rome, Milan, Florence, or any other big Italian city. Naturally, you won't know that unless you ask them; hence, you need to learn this helpful phrase.

Capisco/ Non capisco (I understand/ I don't understand)

It's funny how saying a one or two-word phrase could make such a difference. Picture this: You're invited to a luxury home in Milan, and the host goes up to you and speaks straight Italian right off the bat. Unfortunately, you can't understand what they're saying since you barely learned the language before you went to Italy. So what do you do? Simply say this phrase politely, and they'll know right away. If they know how to speak in English, they'll likely use that when chatting with you next time.

10 Essential Italian Phrases You Need to Know

Può parlare più lentamente, per favore? (Can you speak slower, please?)

If you're already in the process of learning Italian, you don't have to sell yourself short. Many consider applying what you've learned right off the bat as an effective way to get more fluent in a different language, even one as complex as Italian. So if you've already learned a bit and you can slightly understand what they're saying, you can use this phrase. It's also helpful for when an Italian is trying to speak English to you but they're accent is just too thick.

Dov’è…? (Where is...?)

Don't underestimate just how big Italian cities truly are. Rome's central neighborhoods alone, for example, will confuse you to no end if you didn't study them further before going to the city. Hence, you'll likely be using this phrase again and again. Fortunately, it's a pretty simple phrase, and it's one that many locals who live in these big, tourist-heavy cities have heard of countless times already. More often than not, they'll answer you directly, so you can go on your way.

10 Essential Italian Phrases You Need to Know

Scusi, come arrivo a…? (Excuse me, how do I get to…?)

It's one thing to ask where a certain place is; it's a whole other thing to ask how to get there. When you travel to Venice, for example, which is practically a massive maze of canals and cobbled streets, you'll find yourself using this very phrase again and again. You'll likely need to use other phrases already mentioned on this list, too, namely Capisco/ Non capisco (I understand/ I don't understand) and Può parlare più lentamente, per favore? (Can you speak slower, please?) if you're not used to Italian that much yet.

È aperto? (Is it open?)

One thing you'll likely be doing a lot in Italy is eating out. The country is known for its cuisine, after all, so discovering its many restaurants is part of its charm. So much so that it's practically the norm to eat out regularly in Rome, Milan, Venice, Florence, and more, regardless of whether you're a tourist or local. And since Italians tend to eat at slightly different times compared to the rest of the world, you might need to use this phrase again and again.

10 Essential Italian Phrases You Need to Know

Quanto costa? (How much does it cost?)

Another phrase you'll be using again and again is “Quanto costa?,” which is “How much does it cost?” in Italian. Now, this isn't to say that Italians don't put price tags on their items for sale or their menus, but some truly don't. This is especially true in street markets, antique shops, vintage stores, and the like. So, when you go to these establishments, having this phrase handy will do you some good.

Accetta carte di credito? (Do you accept credit cards?)

You'll more than likely have to use this phrase when you're in the big, wealthy cities like Rome and Milan. Many hotspots in these destinations have made purchasing with credit cards the norm, and even prefer it. As such, when you shop at a luxury department store or eat at an upscale restaurant, it pays to ask this question. A good tip is to ask before you enter the establishment, especially if it's a place to eat. There's nothing more awkward than having a full meal in a restaurant and intending to pay using your credit card only to find out that they only accept cash.

10 Essential Italian Phrases You Need to Know

Whether you’re traveling to Italy as a tourist or you’re moving to Rome, Milan, Florence, or any other city, you’ll need to learn these essential Italian phrases. They’ll help you navigate this beautiful country seamlessly!

#advice   #tips   





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Rome, Italy
316 € / night    
5 bedrooms3 bathrooms10
Milan, Italy
114 € / night    
1 bedroom1 bathroom5
Milan, Italy
130 € / night    
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Milan, Italy
240 € / night    
Studio2 bathrooms6
Rome, Italy
260 € / night    
3 bedrooms2 bathrooms6
Florence, Italy
120 € / night    
1 bedroom1 bathroom4
Milan, Italy
220 € / night    
1 bedroom1 bathroom5
Rome, Italy
260 € / night    
3 bedrooms2 bathrooms6
Rome, Italy
264 $ / night    
3 bedrooms2 bathrooms6