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How to Stay Cool During Summer in Barcelona

March 09, 2025
Barcelona may be known for its sunny weather and warm climate, but it can get overwhelming in the summer. The city is already one of the hottest in the world; what more during the hottest time of the year? It can often turn into a heatwave in Barcelona in the summer, and if you're not careful, you might just get overwhelmed! Fortunately, there are many ways to stay cool in the city. From spending the day at the beach to escaping to the grand churches, there's a lot you can do to survive the summer heat in Barcelona.

How to Stay Cool During Summer in Barcelona

Dress Lightly

One of the easiest things to do first is to dress lightly. Fortunately, most locals already do that, so you have very little to worry about. You can even learn how to dress lightly but still stay fashionable from them. Barcelona isn't exactly a fashion capital, but it's undoubtedly a stylish city. People here know how to dress for a warm climate since the city rarely gets too cold for comfort. Their wardrobe staples usually include quality linen pieces, soft tailoring, and chic sandals, to name a few.

Head to The Beach

People often forget that Barcelona is a coastal city. Perhaps since the city center is so famous and its landmarks are so beloved, most only focus on the more urban areas. As such, they tend to overlook the city's beautiful coast, which is one of the most enchanting in Spain and one of the best shorelines from a major city. Here, you can swim, splash around, and even get a tan to stay cool in Barcelona in the summertime. It's also a great place to hang out with friends and family.

How to Stay Cool During Summer in Barcelona

Climb Up Barcelona's Mountains and Hills

Another thing about Barcelona that many tend to forget is the city's mountains and hills. The Catalan capital isn't a particularly mountainous city and not nearly as hilly as, say, San Francisco, but there are some here. Montjuïc, for example, is a central neighborhood in Barcelona perched atop the hill of the same name. It has amazing parks and peaks where you can hang out and let the Mediterranean breezes refresh you during the summer. There's also the Montserrat mountain range nearby, and it's as nature-centric as it sounds. It's a great place to go on a hike and look out onto the beautiful Catalonia region from the top.

Relax in The Tree-filled Parks

Barcelona doesn't get enough credit for being a green city. The city boasts many green spaces that are lush, beautiful, and more importantly for this list, provide a lot of shade. Many of Barcelona's best parks have a lot of trees you can hide under to avoid that glaring Mediterranean sun. Parc de Cervantes is perhaps one of the more famous of them, and it even comes with colorful flowers. Parc de la Ciutadella is popular too and is a staple for families going out on the weekends.

How to Stay Cool During Summer in Barcelona

Seek The Shade of Narrow Streets

Barcelona is often touted as one of the world's most romantic cities, and it's largely thanks to its narrow streets. Small alleys and cobbled paths add an old-world beauty to the city, especially the Gothic Quarter with its stark Medieval architecture. Lovely setting for a love affair, sure, but let's not forget about the shade they provide. If you don't want to go to the park to hide from the sun, you can always escape to the narrow streets and darker corners. Just make sure you don't go to the sketchier ones, and always stay aware of your surroundings.

Escape to The Churches

La Sagrada Familia, the Barcelona Cathedral, and the Temple Expiatori del Sagrat Cor are some of the biggest and most famous churches in Barcelona. All of them are architectural marvels that also serve as some of the city's most iconic landmarks. Simply seeing them in person is enough of a reason to check them out, but you'll also be pleasantly surprised at how cool they are inside. Much like the tree-lined parks and the narrow streets, Barcelona's grand churches also provide ample shade.

How to Stay Cool During Summer in Barcelona

Go Biking

You might find it a shame to stay hiding under the shade to stay cool in Barcelona during summertime, and that's fair. This is a famously beautiful city, after all, and though the intense heat might be much, seeing it drenched in sunlight is something else. So, is there a way you can still see the city while trying to stay cool at the hottest time of the year? Yes, there is: biking! Hop on your bike and cycle your way through the enchanting Catalan capital. It helps that there are many eye-catching places to bike through Barcelona, including Montjuïc, Passeig de Gràcia, and Tibidabo.

Visit Museums

There are so many noteworthy museums and galleries in Barcelona that you could spend your entire stay here museum-hopping and not get to all of them. Fortunately, many of these places are air-conditioned, so they can also cool you off when it's summer in Barcelona. Granted, you still have to spend a bit for their entrance fees and such, but they're small prices to pay to help you survive the seasonal heat wave!

How to Stay Cool During Summer in Barcelona

Eat Inside

European cities are known for their al fresco restaurants and cafes, and Barcelona is no different. As already mentioned, the city is among the most beautiful in the world, so why wouldn't you want to dine and look at fascinating architecture at the same time? One of the only good reasons not to eat outside in Barcelona is when summer reaches its peak. During this time, you'd do well to dine inside and in an air-conditioned space. So it's a good thing that many of the best places to eat here, including many of Barcelona's best Michelin-starred restaurants, are air-conditioned hotspots.

Stay in and Turn on the A/C

Speaking of air-conditioned spaces, one of your last and arguably best options to stay cool in Barcelona every summer is to stay at home and turn on the A/C. Don't worry! While it's not exactly common, there are still many air-conditioned luxury apartments in Barcelona. More and more of them are appearing on the market as time goes on, and the best part? They're not always the most expensive. No matter your budget, you can still afford to live in an air-conditioned home in Barcelona. Some are even big enough to share with roommates.

How to Stay Cool During Summer in Barcelona

Barcelona often turns into a massive heatwave every summer. Hence, you must know how to stay cool around this time of year, including going to the beach, seeking shade in churches, biking around, and more.

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