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Brussels Apartments and the Hunt for the Best Belgian Experience

February 12, 2021

If you want the authentic European travel experience, the heart of Europe is the best place to start. From the best Brussels apartments to the Belgium capital’s exquisite art and architectural masterpieces, this guide is your very own treasure map to an unforgettable Belgian experience.

Brussels All Luxury Apartments

Anybody who’s walked the streets of Brussels will tell you ‘beautiful’ is an understatement. This tiny little city located at the heart of a small country presents but nothing minimal in terms of its multicultural offerings. It is lavish in architecture, humble in history - a complex concoction of visual and value aesthetics that lends the whole Brussels experience a unique character.

Yet to achieve the full Brussels experience, you need to do better than just sashay from one itinerary list to the next - a common traveler's fault. You will find that there are better advantages to be had in poring over the quality of your list than just ticking off one attraction after another.

To help you out, we've curated some of the most interesting suggestions for when you treat yourself into a little adventure in this charming Belgian capital.

Free things first

No, it's not cheap to travel in Brussels. But if you're conscious of how you spend every dime, know that you can still enjoy the city without raiding your wallet. Explore these fun free things to do without spending a single euro.

  • Search for the city's famous peeing statues. Any travel list will tell you to stop by the Manneken Pis, but less known to many, the city has its odd love for pissing effigies.

Brussels Apartments and the Hunt for the Best Belgian Experience

Image Source: Pixabay

  • Explore the outdoors at Promenade Verte and Blue Paradise. Despite being a small city, Brussels takes pride in its beautiful scenic parts and nature spots that are perfect for those who want to escape the city's hustle and bustle.
  • Hit up the flea markets. There's no better way to get to know a city more than weaving through its streets. Visit the Marolles flea market at Place du Jeu de Balle. The whole place bursts with trade and marvel and life!
  • Follow the Comic Strip Trail. These are the frescoes inspired by the unique comic characters born in the mind of popular Belgian cartoonists and artists - surely an artist's paradise for many of us who grew up in the comic era.
  • Get to know the city through its jazz bars. Though you might have to spend a bit on a few drinks, your Brussels adventure wouldn't be complete without a jazz night. Do yourself a favor and visit L’Archidu
  • Join the festivals. Brussels is a vibrant place that hosts the world's most iconic and lively festivals. All the fun is up for grabs.
  • Visit the museums. The Wiertz and most of the city's smaller historical buildings are open to everyone. Even the bigger ones have no-entrance-fee days.

Visit must-visit attractions

One of the most endorsed parts of a Brussels itinerary is to visit its popular attractions - and for good reason. From its majestic architectural marvels to offworld-looking structures, the city never disappoints.

Here are the top must-visit attractions in Brussels:

*For the purpose of not appearing redundant, we will only mention sites not previously mentioned or will not be mentioned elsewhere in this article in the following list.

  • Grand-Place. Recognized as a UNESCO World Heritage Site, the vast space occupied by guild houses and cobbled alleys offers a trip back in time.


Brussels Apartments and the Hunt for the Best Belgian Experience

Image Source: Pixabay

  • Atomium. A gigantic structure engineered in 1958, this modern-looking construction is a humongous model of the iron crystal composition magnified 165 billion times.
  • Galeries Royales Saint-Hubert. One of Europe's covered shopping arcades sectioned into three gorgeous galleries. Perfect, stylish places to shop.
  • The Millennium Iconoclast Museum of Art. Brussels is not just a place for vintage and century-old architectures; it also never fails to take part in the modern art movement. The MIMA displays this dynamic transition.
  • Musical Instruments Museum. Located on the Mont des Arts, this Old England store houses around 7,000 musical instruments in true vintage fashion.
  • Mini-Europe. Got too little time to visit all of Europe? Hop by Brussels and get the whole Europe experience in this thoroughly designed park for miniature replicas of Europe's best architectural achievements.
  • St. Michael and St. Gudula Cathedral. Dominating the skyline of Brussels are the true Gothic display of St. Michael and St. Gadula Cathedral. The structures only took three centuries to complete.
  • Royal Greenhouses of Laeken. A true visual manifestation of dreamy, Victorian gardens, the Royal Greenhouses of Laeken houses thousands of exotic flora that are well maintained. In fact, the place only opens its doors to visitors every few weeks a year in April and May.

Brussels Apartments and the Hunt for the Best Belgian Experience

Image Source: www.monarchie.be

  • Train World & Schaerbeek Station. Certainly, a talk of Belgium easily calls to mind trains and pastels and beautiful European landscapes. Indeed, the history of railway made its first voyage in the terrains of Belgium. And the Train World & Schaerbeek Station is there to commemorate just that.
  • Cinquantenaire Park. The legacy of Leopold II reigns supreme to this day. From the Mont des Artes to the Cinquantenaire Park, the Builder King reestablishes his elegance through generations.
  • The Magritte Museum & Magritte House Museum, the Van Buuren Museum. Two of the most renowned spaces dedicated to preserving the city's great visual arts.


Getting to know a city often requires willingness to get to know its details. For more romantic travelers who want to take it slow, there's no better way to accomplish that feat than by feet.

From the flea market district of Place du Jeu de Balle to the spacious plaza of the Place Royale, Brussels is definitely a walker's paradise. Other popular walking spots include the Petit Sablon Square, the Moeder Lambic, the Galeries Royales de Saint-Hubert and the Taverne du Passage, as well as the La Bourse and Fritland.


Brussels Apartments and the Hunt for the Best Belgian Experience

The Moeder Lambic


When choosing Brussels apartments to stay, one of your main considerations should be the location. A rental’s walkability relative to places of interest is a great measure for selection.

Take a literary tour

Many great thinkers of the 19th century called the Belgian capital home at some point in their lives - the Bronte sisters, Victor Hugo, Alexandre Dumas, Honoré de Balzac, Charles Baudelaire, and Karl Marx, among others. If you're taking the not-so-casual Brussels traveler’s route, or are especially interested in the literary history of Brussels, retrace the footsteps of these famous authors, evident in the city's countless literary landmarks:

  • Number 4, Place des Barricades, once Victor Hugo's residence
  • Pensionnat Heger on Rue Isabelle where the infamous Bronte sisters studied
  • The Brussels love affair of Verlaine and Rimbaud that traced the historical spaces of the Grand Place and concluding near Gare du Midi. Their story wove through the quarters of the Mons prison and the 1 Rue de Brasseurs where the A la Ville de Courtrai hotel once was. Forward to the Hôpital Saint Jean, then to a police station at the Rue de Poincon, and to a prison near what is now replaced by the Hotel Amigo.
  • The hotel Au Neuf Provinces by the Rue Neuve where Tolstoy once stayed
  • The hotel Rue Ducale which once housed Lord Byron
  • The Hotel du Grand Miroir (now Maison des Notaires) where Charles Baudelaire stayed when he sought refuge in Brussels


Brussels Apartments and the Hunt for the Best Belgian Experience

Image Source: www.reflexcity.net

Enjoy a cultural evening

Culture junkies can have their fill at the city's vibrant nightlife which never seemed to stray far from their historical influence, both past and present. Here are a few spots we recommend for you to enjoy your Brussels evenings.

  • Atelier 210
  • Beursschouwburg
  • Cinema Galeries
  • Théâtre National
  • La Monnaie| De Munt
  • Le Botanique
  • Recyclart


The National Theater

National Theater

Image Source: citiesonstage.eu


Enjoy its most charming interiors

Brussels is frequented by many artists and interior design enthusiasts who find inspiration in many of the city's unique architectural ensemble. A distinctive feature uniquely evident in Belgian architectural design in the Art Deco and Art Nouveau style sported by the city's famous attractions: the Villa Empain, the Tropismes Libraries in the Galeries Royales Saint-Hubert, the Solvay Library, the Belga Queen, Victor Horta’s Major Town Houses, and the Van Buuren Museum are notable mentions.


Brussels Apartments and the Hunt for the Best Belgian Experience

Villa Empain

Image Source: www.brusselsmuseums.be

Brussels apartments inspired by signature Belgian art are not uncommon in the city and are perfect for travelers who want to complete their Brussels escapade cuddled in unique Brussels style.

Take an architectural tour

Though we’ve already mentioned the most noteworthy architectural feats of Brussels in this article, it would be incomplete as it is without noting the Maison Saint-Cyr by Gustave Strauven and the Maison Cauchie by Paul Cauchie. The Flagey, a steamboat-shaped structure that is another fine example of Art Deco craftsmanship should also not be overlooked, along with the Koekelberg Basilica by Albert Van Huffel.

Brussels Apartments and the Hunt for the Best Belgian Experience

Maison Cauchie by Paul Cauchie

Image Source: Flickr

Embark on a gastronomic adventure

The city of Brussels never falls short of having fine dining restaurants that offer the most classy and unforgettable European dishes. The Tonton Garby, the Comme Chez Soi, and the Le Chou de Bruxelles are all top-rated restaurants with the best cuisine. But if you want the real Brussels experience, you need to indulge in its unique flavors, from the signature Belgian waffles to the brewskis at Moeder Lambic.


Brussels Apartments and the Hunt for the Best Belgian Experience

Image Source: Pixmafia

Enjoy the dynamic cultural experience

Culture buffs never get enough of the historical inspiration offered by such a multifaceted city as Brussels. Despite its size, it's well-known for the buzz of its festivities, its literary museum, art shows, theater performances - all of which constitute a dynamic form that comes alive wherever you step foot in the city. All these unique experiential offerings make Brussels one of the most vibrant destinations for culture globally.

  • The Royal Belgium Institute of Natural Sciences. Take a trip back in time through the world's natural history.


Brussels Apartments and the Hunt for the Best Belgian Experience

Image Source: naturalsciences.be

  • Royal Theater of Toone. A hidden gem that represents the puppet theater world in the city since the early 19th century.
  • Belgium Improvisation Professional League. Yes, it is just what it sounds like. Formed in 1977, the group that started in Montreal still presents the best, wildest, and craziest improvised performances that you will never get enough of.
  • European Parliament  Visitors’ Center. Less known to many, Brussels is the de facto capital of Europe. In the Parlamentarium, visitors can discover more about the EU where you can even book a guided tour for a more informative visit.
  • Brussels Film Festival. A well-celebrated festival of cinematic talent that does not only brace Belgian cinematic art but all of Europe's.
  • Brussels Jazz Marathon. A spectacular ensemble of musicians from the blues, jazz, and punk scenes that serenades the city with its harmonic melodies for three full days.

Buy souvenirs

And in our bonus list, the best places to purchase unique Brussels trinkets and memorabilias include the Avec Plaizier, the Neuhaus, Maison Dandoy, Belge une Fois, La Boutique Tintin, the Belgikïe, La Vieille Lanterne, the Place du Jeu de Balle itself, and for the beer manics, where else than the Beer Mania?


Brussels Apartments and the Hunt for the Best Belgian Experience

Image Source: Yves Herman, Reuters


Where to Stay in Brussels

Historically, hotels have always provided the safety, comfort, and luxury sought by travelers. Back in the day, there was little to no choice. Most cities frequented by travelers whether for business or tourism are spotted with hotels offering varying levels of service that are gauged by cost. Most lodging options only offer rudimentary accommodation services and were thus disfavored by most. That has always been the way things are. But in recent years, the birth of economy sharing has allowed private home owners to open their homes to guests - the same way Uber has allowed commuters to use their transport services. This extended the number of options for travelers looking for better privacy as well as those on a budget. In fact, homeowners with multiple real estate properties are taking advantage of the demand to target the upscale market.

In Brussels, this type of service is thriving. There’s never a shortage of luxury when it comes to finding a temporary space to call home. Brussels apartments attuned to the grace and ambience of the Belgian capital accept guests who want to take their well-earned rest in a cozy and homely space after a day of touring.

If you still prefer the convenience typical of hotel concierge services but with better privacy, you can opt for serviced apartments. You will still have your bed linens changed and you will still get your food and laundry on-site but with lesser cost if you want to extend your stay compared to hotels.

Meanwhile, if you don’t want to break your daily home routine, you don’t have to. A self-catering apartment is a type of apartment accommodation that allows you to do your own thing in your own space without worrying about intruding hotel maintenance personnel. Here, you can cook your own breakfast or do your own laundry, or dance around to your own jazz playlist just like any other day at home. It’s a wonderful privilege, especially for those who are more than just visiting, but not really settling.

Both types of apartments accommodate short term and long term stay.

You can check out this extensive list of luxury Brussels apartments.





Brussels, Belgium
350 € / night    
4 bedrooms2 bathrooms8
Brussels, Belgium
202 € / night    
3 bedrooms2 bathrooms6
Brussels, Belgium
188 € / night    
2 bedrooms2 bathrooms5-2