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The Crime Rate in San Francisco

July 23, 2021
Cartoon-like cable cars, hilltop houses, and colorful markets—from an outsider's perspective, San Francisco seems like the most fun city in the world. It is quite liberated and progressive here, so on many accounts, it is! However, when it comes to overall safety, that's something that the city can do so much better. This isn't to say that San Francisco is a dangerous place, far from it! But the city's crime rates suggest that they need to and probably can do better in protecting the people here. Here's what you need to know about the crime rates in San Francisco.

The Crime Rate in San Francisco


General Crime Rate of San Francisco

The general crime rate in San Francisco is 64.13% for every 1,000 residents. Though it's higher than in many cities, it doesn't mean that it's dangerous here. In fact, violent crimes only account for 7.12% of that general rate. While property crimes make up 57.01% of the total rate. So, while it's not exactly great news that you're more likely to get robbed in this Bay Area city than getting assaulted, at least this means that you yourself have better chances to remain safe from harm. It might also help to know that the crime with the highest rate in San Francisco is drug-dealing. If you don't mess with that, you'll be fine! 


Chances of Fall Victim to Violent Crimes

Still, there's a 7.12% chance you might become a victim of violent crimes in San Francisco. But that percentage is so small, you can easily avoid it if you remain aware of where you are, who you're with, and you know what to do in certain situations. Moreover, statistically speaking, only 1 in 140 people are prone to fall victim to violent crimes in this city. The most common of which is robbery, which has a rate of 3.70%. Assault comes in second at 2.96%. While rape and murder come at 0.41% and 0.05% respectively. 


The Crime Rate in San Francisco


Chances of Fall Victim to Property Crimes

As already mentioned, you'll probably be more prone to falling victim to property crimes in San Francisco. Like in every other major city in the US, San Francisco is a haven for pickpockets. Their choice of victim is often a tourist, so better remain aware of your belongings when you explore the city. Most especially since theft accounts for 46.09% of the property crimes rate in the Bay Area. Burglary comes at second, accounting for 6.10% while car theft is at third with 4.81%. Fortunately for the latter, you might not even have a car begin with. You'd be better off using the city's public transport systems


Safety of Walking Around San Francisco

Despite some of the rates already mentioned, San Francisco is unique in the sense that it's one of the safest cities to walk around in. During the day, you're about 69,82% safe to take a stroll in a park, go to a store on foot, and explore the landmarks in the city. Of course, you'd be safer if you're accompanied by other people, but still, going at it alone is just fine as well. By nightfall, the safety rate drops to 40.16%. Moderately safe, it's still a higher percentage than in other cities, and that is noteworthy in of itself.  


San Francisco Areas You'd Be Better Off Staying In

Now, which areas in San Francisco will you be the safest at? You probably think that since the Legion of honor drive leads to the outskirts of the city that it's one of the more dangerous parts. But it's not! In fact, it's just the opposite. You're safer to stay within this area during the day. The same goes for Fort Winfield Scott, which is yet another area that's within the outskirts of the city. At the very least, both places are often crowded. You'll have better chances of blending in and you won't stick out like a sore thumb for a criminal to notice. 


The Crime Rate in San Francisco


All in all, while San Francisco is undoubtedly a beautiful and fun place to be in, it's not the safest city in the world. When you go here, you keep your mind alert, safeguard your belongings at all costs, and it won't hurt to make some new friends who'll help keep you safe!

If you really want to stay safe in this city, you're better off getting a San Francisco luxury apartment as your accommodation here. Many of them are located in safe and secure areas within the city.



San Francisco, United States
On request
4 bedrooms3 bathrooms10-10
San Francisco, United States
794 $ / night    
3 bedrooms3 bathrooms5-6