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What Crime Rates are in Barcelona

August 03, 2021
Barcelona is a dream destination for a lot of people. This historic Catalan capital with its old-school charms and hidden secrets makes it the perfect place to relax, have an exciting adventure, and maybe even experience a little romance. Though while you are free to do so, you still have to be careful. Despite its beauty and brilliance, Barcelona isn't exactly the safest city in the world. There are still crimes committed here and it's better that you're aware now then find out when you're actually there. Though the city also isn't the most dangerous of its kind too.

What Crime Rates are in Barcelona


How is Barcelona When it Comes to Crime?

So, what is the crime rate in Barcelona? According to Numbeo, it's at a moderate 48.17%. This means, generally speaking, the Catalan capital remains an overall safe city so far. While there are still crimes happening in it, it's not so often and common that it should be cause for alarm. However, what is alarming is that it has seen a 71.71% increase in criminal activity overall. It seems deviants are becoming more and more motivated to commit crimes than ever before. But don't worry, the city's police department will always be on the job! 


Which Crimes are Most Commonly Committed?

With that said, which crimes have the highest rates in Barcelona? Vandalism and theft. Both have a rate of 57.00% You can see when you go to certain areas in the city that deviants sure like to mess up the beauty of the place. And while street art is extremely common in this artistic mecca, you'll be able to distinguish which ones are art and which ones are pure vandalism. Meanwhile, theft is all too common in cities like Barcelona. Since it's both a hub for tourists and the wealthy, thieves have their work cut out for them. So always be careful with your belongings whilst here. 


What Crime Rates are in Barcelona


Which Crimes Should You Still Look Out For? 

You should also be aware that drug-dealing is all too common in Barcelona, having a rate of 54.03%. At times they're done out in the open and many locals are just too used to it to make a fuss. But most of the time, it happens in the dark and the worst part is the youth might get involved as well. Other crimes to watch out for are corruption and bribery. It's long been rumored that some authorities have taken advantage of their positions in the city. Though it won't affect you as a tourist, it might if you decide to move to the city and become a resident. 


Will You Face Discrimination in Barcelona? 

It's no secret that Spain is one of the most liberated countries in the world. A city that personifies that is Barcelona. So as far as hate crimes are concerned, you'll virtually see none of that in Barcelona. The crime rate of crimes due to discrimination is at a measly 24.52%.  Catalonians are generally accepting of many kinds of people, regardless of their color, race, sexual-orientation, or even gender-identity. Though there are still some sticks in the mud who do hold bigoted views, they not that big of a threat and definitely do not reflect the city as a whole. 


What Crime Rates are in Barcelona


Is it Safe to Walk Around Barcelona? 

Barcelona is one of those cities that's better to enjoy outside. However, with all these crimes happening in the city, you might doubt the safety of strolling around, don't you? Well, don't worry! It's actually pretty safe to walk around Barcelona. During the day, it's 75.19% safe to have a mid-day walk along the city's most beautiful avenues. More so when you do it with a group. while at night, the safety rate drops down to 51.58%, Still moderate but also still better if you're with company. Either way, what's good about the city is that it's pretty obvious with one look which areas are safe and which aren't. 


What Barcelona Areas Should You Avoid?

Speaking of Barcelona's dangerous areas, which exactly are they? The Raval district is incredibly notorious. Though it's also one of the defining neighborhoods of Barcelona, it's also one that you'd do better to avoid if you're all alone. More so at night, when all kinds of deviants choose to gather within its parks and avenues. La Mina, Sant Adrià de Besòs is also a notorious area, infamous for one too many car thefts. It's an unofficial rule to never leave a car unattended in this place. If you do, it'd just be your good luck if you see it again unharmed. 


What Crime Rates are in Barcelona


Don't let its astounding beauty and exciting culture fool you, Barcelona still sees a few crimes here and there. However, just because these deviant acts do happen, doesn't mean you have to spend your time here scared and locked inside! 

You'll still stay safe in many other areas in the city. And it's within these areas where you can find a great luxury Barcelona apartment for your new home here!





Barcelona, Spain

2 bedrooms2 bathrooms4
Barcelona, Spain
109 € / night    
3 bedrooms2 bathrooms5
Barcelona, Spain

2 bedrooms2 bathrooms4
Barcelona, Spain
144 € / night    
1 bedroom1 bathroom4

Sitges, Spain
144 € / night    
2 bedrooms2 bathrooms6
Barcelona, Spain
150 € / night    
4 bedrooms3 bathrooms17
Sitges, Spain
164 € / night    
2 bedrooms1 bathroom4
Barcelona, Spain
269 € / night    
2 bedrooms2 bathrooms4
Barcelona, Spain
285 € / night    
6 bedrooms2 bathrooms17
Barcelona, Spain
295 € / night    
6 bedrooms3 bathrooms14