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Living Costs in Brussels: What You Need to Know

August 24, 2021
It's safe to assume that most European capital cities are expensive to live in, isn't it? Paris, Rome, Berlin—these are all places notorious for draining people empty of their wallets and bank accounts. But in reality, however, not all cities in this continent are like that. Sure, it's easy to think that such cities only offer expensive living costs, but there are those like Brussels wherein you can still save a lot and still live out a comfortable life. You don't believe this to be true? Well, perhaps breaking down the living costs here would convince you.

Living Costs in Brussels: What You Need to Know


Costs of Rent in Brussels

Rent alone could already give you a clue that Brussels isn't as expensive a city as other European capitals. While in the likes of Paris & Rome, the starting amount for a monthly rental fee for a place in the heart of the city started in the thousands, here in the Belgian capital, it's comparatively lower. For a one-bedroom flat in such an area, it can cost you around €700.00 to €1,000.00 a month. A three-bedroom will have that price range go up to €1,200.00 to €2,000.00. Meanwhile, renting a palce outside the city center will cost you €600.00 to €1,750.00 a month. 


Costs of Buying Property in Brussels

Of course, buying proeprty is a totally different story altogether. I simply can't be helped that even in Brussels, the price per square meter already starts in the thousands. To be more specific, purchasing property in the more urban areas of the Belgian capital will cost you around €3,000.00 to €4,200.00 per square meter. While for a place along the outskirts of the city, it will cost you €2,000.00 to €3,500.00. Generally, the price range for such doesn't stray too far from those in other capital cities of fellow European nations. It's just the way it is. 


Living Costs in Brussels: What You Need to Know


Utilities Costs

There's no need to worry about your utilities costs here in Brussels. Though it may seem like you'll have to spend quite a lot for them, such costs are actually quite low. In fact, you'll rarely have to pay more than €200.00 for them. Of course, that depends on how much you consume in your day-to-day life. Normally, it would only cost you €94.00 to €200.00 a month to pay for electricity, water, heating, garbage disposal, and the like here in Brussels. As for your wifi connection, the common median price is €42.49 and it can go as high as €59.00. 


Food Costs

Even food is relatively cheap here in Brussels! Sounds impossible? perhaps! But it's not!  Though it can't e denied that the Belgian capital is home to a lot of luxurious and swanky establishments, the middle-class shopper need not to shell out a ton of money for groceries that can last him/her around two weeks at most. If you invest in the mid-range supermarkets and shops that can still give you quality food and produce, you'll only have to spend a common total median price of €73.43. That already includes a liter of milk, a dozen eggs, and a kilo each of various fruits, vegetables, and meats. 


Living Costs in Brussels: What You Need to Know


Dining Costs

Dining in Brussels doesn't have to be that expensive either. Sure, the city is full of five-star cuisines and elegant establishments wherein a meal can alread cost thousands of euros but there are also a lot of nice places here that won't leave you bankrupt after your last bite. Moreover, going to inexpensive places can even save you a whole lot as well. For instance, if you want to take out your significant other for a nice three-course meal, going to a mid-rane restaurant will only cost you around €48.00 to €100.00. Not bad, right? 


Transportation Costs

What about transportation? Is Brussels' public transport efficient and affordable enough for you not to spend a lot of money? The answer is a resounding yes! A ticket to any of the city's modes of transportation will only cost €2.10 a ride, making a back-and-forth trip around €4.20. And if you want to purchase a travel pass instead, you'l oly have to pay around €49.00 to €55.00, depending on how long you want the pass to last. Though, on the other hand, if you decide to purchase your own car here, prepare to pay a lot. It can cost you around €17,500.00 to €25,000.00, depending on the model of the vehicle. 


Living Costs in Brussels: What You Need to Know


Clothing Costs

Unsurprisingly, clothing isn't all that expensive in Brussels as well. After all, the fashion capitals are its sister cities in neighboring countries. You can still find the world-famous luxury labels in the Belgian capital, but if you want o save money while investing in stylish clothes, you can opt for the mid-range brands and contemporary names instead. A piece from such will only cost you €20.00 to €60.00, depending on if it's in-season or not. A pair of sneakrs from your favorite sportswear brand will only cost around €50.00 to €100.00, considerably less than those in other cities in the region. 


Leisure Costs

Even leisure costs in Bussels aren't that high. For example, joining a gym is considered a leisure expense. It's not exactly a necessity, but it is one that you can physically benefit from. And here in Brussels, the common price for a monthly membership ranges from €19.9 to €40.00. That is if you join a mid-range gym or fitness club. The more upscale the establishment, the more expensive its membership fee will be. Going to the movies is also a leasure activity you'll certianly have to pay for. Fortuantely, it only costs around €10.00 to €13.50 a ticket. More if you want some popcorn and candy! 


Childcare & Education Costs

There is one expensive cost that you'll have to face sooner or later: your kid's tuisition fee. As a parent, you'll probably only want the best of the best for your child, right? Most especially when it comes to his/her education. Fortunately, Brussels is home to many prominent schools, some even internationally recognized. of course, if you're going to enroll your little one to any of the, expect to pay thousands of euros per term. Specifically, a term in a pirvate/internaitonla kindergarten will probably cost you €650.00 to €850.00. While a term in a private/internaitonal primary school is around €10,000.00 to €32,000.00. 


Living Costs in Brussels: What You Need to Know


With its elegant facade and respectable reputation, Brussels may seem like a very expensive city to live in indeed. However, once you've actually stayed and lived here for a while, you'll find that that's not exactly the case!

Though to live a very good life here, it's better to choose a luxurious Brussels apartment as your new home. It's the only way!





Brussels, Belgium
350 € / night    
4 bedrooms2 bathrooms8
Brussels, Belgium
202 € / night    
3 bedrooms2 bathrooms6
Brussels, Belgium
188 € / night    
2 bedrooms2 bathrooms5-2